Rules and Regulations
Out of Bonds (Rule-27)
• The fencing forming the perimeter boundary of the course.
Water Hazards (Rule-26)
• All water bodies forming part of the course.
• Lateral water hazards are denoted by red stakes.
Movable Obstructions (Rule 24-1)
• Bunker rakes
• Loose impediments
Immovable Obstructions (Rule 24-2)
• Golf cart paths, benches, ball washers, sprinkler heads, Irrigation boxes, water dispensers, yardage stakes, red stakes, tee markers and golf course signage.
Ground Under Repair
• Ground under repair is denoted by enclosed white line or GUR signage.
Area of course requiring preservation
• Saplings-all saplings not taller than one club length are to be treated as immovable obstructions. Play is prohibited if interfering with stance or swing.
• Ground under repair-play is prohibited.